


利用当地的井水有很多好处. The land contains the water you need, and a well water system will bring it straight to your tap. It can save you money, last for decades, and give you control over your own water supply. 对许多美国人来说,这是唯一的解决办法. People who live in rural areas use well water because they are beyond the reach of city water supplies. While wells are an excellent water source, sometimes they get a bad rap.

对井水的抱怨通常与硬水有关. Well water seeps through the soil and rocks before being pumped to your home. 这段穿越土壤的旅程就是问题开始的地方. In some areas, including central Texas, the soil composition results in really hard water. 在圣安东尼奥地区, 我们可以归咎于石灰岩的丰富, 这使得水中的矿物质含量很高. 像你这样的房主只能在网上搜索“井水处理公司离我很近“因为你井里的硬水需要一些帮助.


Well water is different from the city water supply for a few reasons.

  • 它直接来自地球. 你的水直接从地面流向水龙头, and that leaves little time for any minerals in your water to dissolve.
  • The depth of your well can also factor into the hardness of your water. 井越深,水越硬. 地球深处的水穿过了更多层, 从而有更多的机会获得矿产.
  • Cities treat their water supply, which can eliminate some hard water minerals. 而软化水并不是我们的目标, city water sometimes loses some mineral content as a byproduct of filtering out contaminants. So, while city water isn’t necessarily soft, it usually has less mineral content than well water.

Homeowners often find themselves increasingly frustrated when they are on a well. 而城市供水并不是完美的解决方案, having a well can feel like a never ending battle with water quality.


The water in your home is critically important to how you and your family function. If you live with hard water, you have likely noticed the effects and have dealt with the frustration. 在圣安东尼奥等地区, 那里的水非常硬, 你不能让你的硬水不受控制. It will destroy your pipes, appliances, and fixtures if you ignore it long enough. 水过滤是不够的,但解决办法很简单. 你需要一个 软水器.

You can test your water to see exactly what you are working with. But if you have hard water, you’ve likely already noticed the signs of hard water in your home.

  • 水垢积聚在你的固定装置和瓷砖上.
  • 讨厌的白色水点和残留物.
  • 过早磨损的衣服和盘子.
  • 降低水压.


第一步是打电话给当地的水专家. They will assess your home, test your water, and learn about your family’s water use and habits. From there, they can guide you to an ideal solution for your home.

Because well water can be extra hard, it can be more taxing on water treatment systems. Your water expert may recommend a more robust system to handle the extra challenges of well water, but there are water softening and filter systems that are ideal and effective on hard well water.

取决于你想要的结果, 你可能会受益于水软化剂的组合, 过滤器, 还有反渗透系统. 专业人士可以在你的水中施展他们的魔法, 除了少量的维护费用, 你必忘记你曾因井水愁烦.


A 软水器 is a system you install at the point of entry for your home’s water supply. This way, every drop of water that flows through your pipes will be freed of problematic minerals. Your pipes, appliances, fixtures, and surfaces are all protected from calcium and magnesium build-up.

Water first travels through carbon 过滤器 to eliminate large sediment from your water, which is typically more problematic in well water than city water. 然后将其放入树脂罐中进行离子交换, 用友好的矿物交换坚硬的矿物. The water will make a final run through another carbon filter to ensure it is finished flawlessly and ready to supply your home with clean, 软水.

Your 软水器 will need some minor attention to continue to work effectively. Namely, you will need to check salt levels and replenish the salt supply regularly. 虽然你可能需要偶尔的服务或维修, the upkeep is minimal considering the life-changing benefits it provides.


In addition to a 软水器, your water professional may suggest other 井水处理方案 改善你的供水. Additional filtration or a reverse osmosis system can help ensure that the water in your home is not only soft but safe and delicious to drink.

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